one unit 2tons WP200 electric rough terrain truck was sent to Australia. Before
shipping, we shot some videos of WP200 for our customer. And we put it to the
test to make sure that electric rough terrain truck can meet customer’s

strong battery powered all terrain pallet jack is designed to travel over rough
ground where no ordinary pallet truck can go, yet operates like a standard
pallet truck. This pallet truck features large wheels to reduce your
moving effort. The all-terrain pallet truck is designed to transport loads over
rough, snowy and uneven surfaces.

l Electrical
movement (forward – backward) and lifting
l To protect
from damage and impacts from the construction works, batteries and engines are
sheltered in metallic boxes and cables, in sheltered tubes.
l Connection
with security key
l Absence of
contamination, as well as environmental acoustics; no sounds, no smoke.
l Security
brake (according to standards) to avoid entrapment or accidents.
l Easy
maintenance. Just connect the batteries at night to the electricity network and
the charge it will be more than enough for whole day working at its full
capacity. We supplied with batteries charger.
l Fast
return: bricks distribution time slashed. The speed and easy operation turn it
to almost essential.